Company Profile

Rudny & Sallmann Forensics provide expert witnesses for accident cases involving all types of highway vehicles and pedestrians as well as for off-highway vehicles. They perform accident reconstruction and vehicle defect analyses as well as provide expertise regarding vehicle brakes, suspensions, control systems, and occupant protection. For more than 30 years, the experts at Rudny & Sallmann have given testimony and consultation throughout the United States.

Accident Reconstruction

Accident Reconstruction is the analysis of the facts and physical evidence obtained from an accident investigation. It involves the application of scientific principles for the purpose of determining how an accident occurred. Rudny & Sallmann Forensics employs the best generally accepted methodologies to analyze the facts and physical evidence from a collision. Investigation reports, vehicle inspections, imaging of Event Data Recorders (EDR) and Electronic Control Modules (ECM), tests, scene measurements, photographs, and witness testimony are used to determine vehicle speeds, positions, directions, and avoidance maneuvers. The interaction of the road, the driver, and the vehicle is considered in the evaluation of accident causation. Scene diagrams, simulations, and animations are created to enhance ones understanding of an accident.

Product Liability and Failure Analysis

Questions regarding the involvement of the product or vehicle as a cause for an accident or injury often arise. Design defects, manufacturing defects, improper maintenance, or improper warnings are frequently theorized to have been causative to an injury.

Through the analysis of a failed component and evaluation of its design, manufacture and use, Rudny & Sallmann Forensics can determine the extent that a product may or may not have contributed to an injury. Additionally, they often investigate the history of the product, review regulatory compliance, study maintenance procedures, operator training, and other pertinent information to help determine cause and effect. Findings are then translated into understandable exhibits that may consist of diagrams, charts, models, or animations. In some cases, accident reconstruction and product analyses are combined to produce a better understanding of an accident.

Cost Effective, Timely Investigation and Analyses

Rudny & Sallmann Forensics will do only what is necessary to answer the important questions about your case. Their approach is to investigate and analyze an accident one step at a time. They discuss preliminary findings with their clients and then recommend only those additional steps necessary to provide reliable bases for their findings. They also utilize other experts and test facilities, as needed, to minimize their overhead and cost to clients. They work closely with their affiliates to ensure that thorough investigations and analyses have been conducted. Rudny & Sallmann provides service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on call, to collect available physical evidence. They can inspect the accident scene and the vehicles to collect evidence before that evidence is destroyed.

Research & Professional Committees

Rudny & Sallmann are committed to the advancement of automotive engineering and accident reconstruction. They have conducted crash tests, brake tests and vehicle dynamics tests, and they have published the results of some of this work. Rudny & Sallmann have served on professional committees within the Society of Automotive Engineers. These committees include the Accident Investigation / Reconstruction Practices Committee, the Accident Reconstruction Publications Review Committee, the Membership Committee, the Heavy Truck Reconstruction Forum, the Drivelines and Transmissions Organizing Committee and the Trailer Sway Committee.

©2025 Rudny and Sallmann Forensics, LLC